Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I Shot My Wife Today

I shot my wife today. I dropped her body in the Frisco Bay.
I had no choice, it was the only way. Dead's coming and I'm still running.

(05) two gallants. steady rollin' (what the toll tells 2006)
(04) tortoise. along the banks of the river (millions now living will never die 1996)
(03) sparklehorse. pig (good morning spider 1999)
(02) low. immune (secret name 1999)
(03) the wedding present. corduroy (seamonsters 1991)


Felationship said...

he comprat dos entrades per Sufjan Stevens. qui s'animi, que passi per caixa.

Anonymous said...

que crack ets no?
jo si el franc o algu no lluita per ella m'animo, que he cobrat i vull viure chicago en directe
feia tant que no m'impactava tant una cançó, tot i que sembli una nadala..

Felationship said...

ja han sortit les entrades per Calexico, 25 leurus a La Paloma. Les venen a Discos Castello. El dissabte m'hi passare.

Anonymous said...

estas en tot ferrix

Felationship said...

m'aborria i m'he comprat una entrada per calexico pel 22 d'octubre.

a mes he trobat una web que venen camisetes bastant tremendes

o marxo d'aquest pais o m'arruino.